Layaway Terms and Conditions

2024 Mardi Gras Lay-A-Way Terms


  • $200.00 Minimum per lay-a-way before taxes
  • 25% Deposit due when opening a lay-a-way
  • If lay-a-way is cancelled or altered, deposit and or payments are forfeited
  • Final payment is due on or before Wednesday January 31, 2024. Failure to pay by January 31, 2024 will cause you to forfeit your whole deposit/payments. At that time, the merchandise will be returned to Plush Appeal inventory.

In the event that Mardi Gras is cancelled, full payment of the lay-a-way must be made by the due date, January 31, 2024 in order for us to hold the lay-a-way until the following Mardi Gras.

Nothing may be taken from the lay-a-way. It must be paid in full and taken out fully intact and not in increments.

You must check to make sure you have all of your bags and your complete lay-a-way before you leave the premises. Plush Appeal will not be responsible for claims of missing items once it leaves the premises.

No Returns or Exchanges

No Exceptions